Friday, May 28, 2010

The Bare Necessities

Who needs stuff anyway? We just need each other!

Here's Isaac's temporary quarters.

Looks pretty cozy, huh?

The kids watched a movie after dinner and a bath. Monsters Inc. They'd never seen it before. Isaac watched most of it just like this.


Almudena said...

where did you get that pack n play?

Kelle said...

BabiesRus, like 6 yrs ago when I was pregnant with Hannah. It is a Graco. I have to give Brian the credit for this one. I wanted a different one, but he saw this and had to have it instead. It is really nice. It has a water proof bottom for outdoor use and a canopy that goes on top. Plus, it has a zipper "door" on the side that you can lock closed or leave open and it is like a tent. The kids all love to play in it together.