Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sweater refashions

It's a sweater, no it's a pillow...

Now it's an apron...

What a great model! Here's the back!

And finally a side view! He really does it all!

My husband's pile of old sweaters has been fun to play with! The pillow was a lumpy old couch pillow that had been played on one too many times. It's still lumpy, but at least it is cute now. The apron didn't turn out quite as cute as I had thought it would. It was quick though. One lonely husbandless evening and it was done. I left off the pockets because I could not get the ribbing to line up and thought I would further be butchering the apron. I made this for my nephew who is Isaac's age, and I think it is a bit long. I hope his parents allow him to wear it. It kind of looks like a dress a bit. I may try another one and see if I can learn from my mistakes here. It was supposed to look like this halter apron from Green Kitchen.

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