Friday, August 13, 2010

High-Five Friday

To follow The Simmons Family, I am going to try out "High-Five Fridays" to celebrate our little accomplishments each week. This week was all about getting the house set up, of course.

1. A few corners are settled and cozy making our new house feel more like our home.

2. My kitchen is set up and running now. At first, it seemed as though it wasn't going to hold everything, but with a little planning and a for sale box nearby it all came together nicely. I even have a few empty spots to fill which is amazing if you knew how many kitchen gadgets and appliances I have. My favorite thing about it is that I set it up so that the girls can get everything they need for breakfast (and once we get that down, lunch too). All they need help with is pouring the milk. They have even been rinsing and loading their own dishes with the handy blue stool. So helpful!

3. Our dinning room is looking good despite the red wall that is probably going to be painted over in the future. The attached formal sitting room is crisp and toy-free. I am working on setting up the altar in there so it can be our prayer room.

4. Our living room has hidden toy storage! I am tired of looking at toys all the time. This way I can hide them at the end of the day at least!
Now you see them!

Now you don't!

5. Our guest bathroom is ready for company, elegant and kid-friendly.

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