Saturday, August 21, 2010


I know I haven't been my usual blogging self. I suppose I can't truly call my self a slacker, just a blogging slacker since I certainly have been busy. I have been torn between getting to know the area, organizing the house, planning for the fast approaching homeschooling year to start, grocery shopping, and all the other regular chores like cooking and cleaning. Oh yeah, and taking care of these cute children of mine. So, blogging has been forced off my list of to do's. And sadly, I have missed so many precious things that I wish I could have remembered at the end of each day to record it. Here is one thing I caught on video though. Genna and Isaac were playing with his Thomas trains. Genna has been sucked into the Thomas frenzy a bit. This is before his Aunt's gifts arrived and he got all the extensions to the track. Isaac talks about Thomas 24/7. When they play, they even use the sayings from the books and TV shows, like "Bust my buffers" or "Running out of steam." I think it is cute.

Oh, one thing I do remember from this week is that Isaac finally sat on the potty. Of course, he didn't do anything but sit on it, but this is huge since he has been deathly afraid to even sit on it. So I was proud. I've got pictures, but not for public viewing. Sorry, you all have to miss out on the cuteness of my little boy trying to use the potty!

Plus, more news! He finally knows all of the colors we have been working on all summer long. He knows red, blue, yellow, green, pink, and white, but not orange, black, brown, or purple because I haven't focused on those at all. I don't know why I left those out exactly, but I know purple was probably because there are not any purple Thomas engines in any of our books. Everything is about Thomas, like I said. That's how I plan to teach him his numbers too.


Becca said...

Sounds like he needs Rosie or a book about Rosie. She's purple. :)

Caleb gets black and brown mixed up a lot.

I got a bunch of pics of the different trains to count with. Took me forever to find them in the correct order. I was so sick of them afterwards that we haven't even used them.

Isaac and Caleb would have a blast playing trains together. I'm impressed he knows the technical stuff too! Maybe he could teach Caleb.

Kelle said...

The girls both got brown and black mixed up for quite a while so that is very typical. As is the whole K and X mix up you mentioned on your blog.

Plus, I meant to ask you where you got the idea for the pom poms on magnets b/c I thought I made that up. :) Always reinventing the wheel!