Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Montessori Bin for Kindergarteners

So I changed my mind. I think I will actually post about Montessori bins a little at a time instead of doing a gigantic post. So here is my first one...Embroidery.

It is for 5 years and older. I do not plan to let Genna do this one until she has mastered lacing and beading. Hannah could not wait to try it, so I let her have at it with minimal instruction. I just showed her the traditional back stitch and away she went. She made a penguin, can you tell?

What is in the bin?
embroidery floss, just a couple colors
burlap (easier to put a blunt needle through)
embroidery hoop
blunt tapestry needles

How to set it up?
To have it ready for independent sewing, I threaded needles and tied both ends of the thread together so she has no chance of the thread slipping out of the needle and it is knotted and ready to go. Hannah really enjoyed it and asks to sew often since being introduced to it. At some point I plan to draw something or have her draw something and follow the lines, but for now I am going to let her be creative and get the feel of it.

Where did I get this idea?
Over at Maya Made! She has way more detail, if you need it stop on over at her blog.

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