Saturday, September 11, 2010

Field Trip Day: The Orchard

The intent was to pick apples, but unfortunately apple picking starts tomorrow and they wouldn't even let us see the apple fields today. Bummer! I guess that means we definitely have to go back soon to get some apples.

Alternate plan, not so A week inspired, was raspberry picking! So fun! I was able to tie in the lesson from our How do Apples Grow? by Betsy Maestro since the basic parts of the fertilization are the same and the parts of the flower, like the stamen, pistil, etc are all present. We did buy some apples to make apple dumplings this weekend.

Lots of pictures!

Hannah was a great berry picker. She was on a mission and picked more than anybody.

Genna, sfter being instructed not to eat them until after they had been weighed and paid for (and washed,) just kept saying how good they looked and how hard it was for her not to eat them. What a sweetie!

I tried to show the kids a couple of insects I found. When I pointed out (rather excitedly) the bee that was getting nectar from the flower and helping with pollination, Isaac let out a brief girlish scream. He was smashing more berries than he was picking with those giant pudgy fingers of his.

After an hour-ish, they were so done!

We have an ant craft that we did today also, but it needs final touches after the paint dries before I can take pictures and post it. I plan to do an evaluation of our first week tomorrow. So until then...

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