Saturday, September 11, 2010

How did we do?

Overall the week went very well especially considering the surprise doctor appointment and the Labor Day holiday giving us a late start. Here is an overview of what worked and what needs fine-tuning.

Things that worked:

-I got (SOLO) morning prayer time by getting up at 6am.
-We got to Mass on time and it got our day started on the right foot.
-Reading lessons went great with both girls. No complaining thanks to my reward TV incentive.
-Isaac, for the most part, did not distract us too much. He joined in from time to time, and he played by himself well the rest of the time.
-The kids loved the library books and the songs we sang.
-The girls both memorized their memory verse and the definition of a sacrament.
-Both girls know most of the days of the week and the months of the year already.
-I exercised two afternoons with a friend.

Things that need work:

-I was getting to be entirely too late and still had absolutely not one minute to sew or craft all week long. Well, I did sew a pocket for my husband, but it probably took three minutes and that was because I had to wind the bobbin. I am going through sewing withdrawal. Maybe Sunday! But the point is, I think I need just a tad more time to get household things done when the kids are awake and not resting so that one or two days a week I can sew during rest time.
-Dinner was late nearly every night. This made in impossible to do both the rosary and baths and get to bed on time. So on bath nights, family rosary did not happen.
-Isaac really needs room time, but I am having a hard time finding time to retrain him in that area. All summer he hasn't had anything like that.
-We overdid it on the crafts just a bit. I need to pick my favorites and let the rest go. I have a hard time accepting that I can't do everything.
-We spent too much time on math. I think I am going to have to go at a slower pace with the math.

A wonderful thing happened though on Friday morning to affirm our decision to homeschool. We did not go to Mass because we were going to the orchard. When we ate breakfast, Hannah asked if we were going to Mass. I said we weren't and after she cleaned up her dishes, she came and asked me if she could go to her room and pray. Of course! She was coloring after that at the kitchen table when Genna and Isaac got into a fight. She barely looked up and said in this quiet voice, "Genna, don't you remember that a soft answer turns away wrath?" That was our memory verse for the week. Genna just looked at her with a blank expression and said, "No. I just want that cement mixer back." Oh, I am one happy mom! I said earlier this week that I should be paid for this, and I think I just was.

1 comment:

Becca said...

What a great return for all your work! You can't get a better reward than that!
I'l glad it went so well this week.