Monday, September 6, 2010

Sunday Sibling Talk: The Tummy Touch

We haven't had a Sunday Sibling Talk post in a while, so here it goes!

The girls get along more often than not, but occasionally they have their mornings where it seems like everything is a problem. The tattling begins, and it goes downhill from there if I don't think fast. So, one morning last week, I had had enough of the arguing and pestering going on between them. I was feeling especially creative and told them to touch tummies until they had loving attitudes towards each other. I find that getting them to laugh together many times gives a them a fresh start when things haven't been going so smoothly. Genna is easy here. She will laugh and forget and forgive in about five seconds. Hannah, on the other hand, is more of a grudge holder and harder to distract. See what I mean...

At first Hannah is resisting, but Genna has already got her attitude adjusted.

But then she softens!

It actually worked wonderfully! No more spats that morning! Another frequent technique that I use is having them tickle each other or do something silly after apologizing. Laughter is the best medicine.

1 comment:

Becca said...

What a great idea!