Saturday, April 30, 2011

Do the (clap clap) POTTY DANCE!

If you haven't seen the Huggies Pullup commercial you might think my post title is a little weird. But I am just so excited about our sudden potty success. Now Isaac is not potty trained yet, but he's been wearing underwear for two days now with only a few "axcadents" as Isaac says. At the beginning of the week he tried going semi nude while playing in the backyard because everyone swears for boys this is the way to go. Isaac is notorious for not liking to be naked, so I was thinking this would not work. However, a couple evenings of this and he figured out what the feeling was when he needed to go potty. Then we tried being naked in the house when he got over his fear of standing in front of the potty. Friday is the first day we tried having underwear on and he made it all the way until the end of lunch without an accident. He got many M&Ms for going potty all morning. He still hasn't figured out how to empty his bladder at a given potty visit so he going a lot. Here's to potty training my cutie now that he finally seems ready! The journey begins...again.


Jeff said...

If I got an m&m every time I go potty, I wouldn't empty my bladder either ;)

Kelle said...

Yes, I know. We use this just to get motivated to go a lot. Then we move to rewarding at the end of the day for dry pants all day. :) My dad said the same thing!