Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sweeter than the sweetest!


Not that all my kids aren't sweet, but anyone who knows them would absolutely define Genna as "sweet." I would describe Hannah as a "little mother," and Isaac as "adorable." This probably changes ever so slightly as they grow up and change, but Genna has always had this sweetness about her. This week Isaac took her pillow pet away. I had him give it back and ask if he could have a turn with it. She then said, "Yes, at rest time and room time you can have her." Then we sit down to do our religion readings. After we get comfortable, she turns to Isaac and says, "You can have her now too. Mom, are we having circle time today? Then he can have her then too." She truly embodies Matthew 5:40, "If a man asks for your shirt, give him your cloak too."

Another time I heard Hannah say, "Let's play evil." I said, "Hannah," disapprovingly. Genna says, "No, Hannah, nuns don't play evil." Hannah then says, "But you are not going to be a nun until you are older." Genna says, "But I have to practice!"

This girl is truly disappointed if I ask Hannah or Isaac to borrow something they have. Brian has been trying to explain sharing the sharing and letting others share their things as well and learn to be more giving. It's no wonder her siblings have such trouble with not getting their way with a sister like that!

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