Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Two Lips

The things that come out of Isaac's two lips just have been too cute lately. Last night he told me, "I love you forty days, Mom!" Then today I sent him to apologize to our neighbor and he said the the first part and then when he got to the actual, I'm sorry part he turns to me and says, "What was the last part, Mom?" He's been getting some words mixed up a little lately which is always cute. Aligade for Gatorade. Ambience for Ambulance. Groundplay for Playground. Food Myrapid for Food Pyramid. Boy, it's hard to get mad at this guy even when he acts like a two year old. I think we'll keep him!

These are the first tulips I have ever grown. I should have planted more bulbs last fall! The kids have had such a great time watching their growth everyday.

These are a couple of disappointed kids after we raced around the front of the house to catch the ice cream truck only to see it race by our cul-de-sac without a sideways glance. Poor girls, they have had so many disappointments lately even I feel badly for them.

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