Friday, April 29, 2011

Finger knitting at last!

I have been waiting for Y week to teach them about yarn and how to finger knit! (Plus, it means we are almost finished with our first year of homeschool.) We watched a short video about the history of yarn and then watched a video on how to finger knit. The girls both picked this up super fast and were able to do it on their own and make necklaces for their dolls (not quite patient enough for scarfs.) Isaac, on the other hand, was not so successful.

Genevieve, of course, had issues starting from the correct finger and did a good portion of hers backwards, but it still turned out OK. She's been my backwards girl from day one, and I don't expect anything to change anytime in the near future! It started with having her days and nights mixed up as an infant, and then always putting her shoes on the wrong foot, and finally reading books backwards, and writing letters and whole words backwards.

I made this bracelet for Isaac.

Here's a video clip of them in action...

1 comment:

Rich said...

Adorable. Tell my goddaughter hello. We have her photo on the fridge right by the coffeemaker. Every time I'm brewing a cup of Joe, I say a prayer for her.