Friday, April 22, 2011

Math on the Street

Literally! We did Math outside on the driveway today since it was a nice day. I wrote out problems for them to do. Here's Genna. She is just starting number bonds in her Kindergarten B book (Singapore Math.)

Here is Hannah. She is well into her 1st grade Math book (Singapore also,) but it seems needs to memorize her number bonds instead of just figure them out so that the addition and subtraction facts come easier and faster. So I have stopped progressing in her book until she has them all memorized. Since we only have two and a half weeks left this year, we will just continue practicing that over the summer if that's what it takes.

Hannah wrote me this note to tell me she needed to go inside for a potty break. I think the "TOOO" is supposed to be a "To:" Other than that and "HAF" her spelling is pretty good.

Isaac wanted some work too, so while the girls were busy we finished a pattern (which he calls "patterin") and worked on our short vowel sounds. I have a song for the short vowel sounds and he has learned them all. He got a big star by his work since we weren't inside near the stickers that he usually gets for doing his "school work."

1 comment:

The Pilots Wife said...

We use the same first grade math and stopped to memorize math facts too. After two miserable months of reviewing (and still not mastering them) we are moving on. In Saxon first grade math the students continue memorizing in second grade where they are required to commit all the facts to memory. Just thought you might like to know. :) Congrats on the baby boy. It's fun to have two and two.