Wednesday, October 19, 2011

5 week mini update

Drew is 5 weeks old now. I believe he is in the midst of a growth spurt, but I am not sure yet. I have never been good at recognizing those. Saturday and Sunday he woke on his own from his daytime naps a bit earlier than usual. He also woke twice at night on Saturday while he has been only waking to eat once. He is going down for naps easily still, some days with no crying at all, others with less than 10 minutes. However, since Saturday night, he has been crying when I put him down after the 10:00pm and some of middle of the night feedings. He usually cries for about 20 minutes during these times. I have had to go comfort him twice because his cries were hysterical which is not normal for him. They are usually more fussy cries. I don't know what started this, but he seems to be too awake when I put him down then.

During the day, when he nurses, it is hard to tell if he is awake or sleeping through the nursings still. He always takes a full feeding, but has his eyes closed the whole time. He has always been this way and nothing I have tried will get him to keep his eyes open even if he is good and awake before the nursing. After a feeding, he stays awake for between 15 and 45 minutes usually.

Mini schedule: other than the weekend when he was waking a bit early from naps
7am wake him up for the day and nurse
8:15am nap
9:30/45 wake him up and nurse
10:15am nap
12/12:15pm wake him up and nurse
1pm nap
3pm wake him up and nurse
3:45/4pm nap
5:30pm wake him up and nurse
(Insert chaos here with dinner and getting the other kids in bed. Here's where the schedule gets ditched and he naps again somewhere in here before a 8:30/9pm bedtime.)
10pm dreamfeed
1 more nightime nursing whenever he wakes up typically between 2:30 and 4:30am

As you can see, the days are going very smooth mostly and we are taking advantage of that and getting lots of school work done this week and the end of last week too. I am still being flexible during the late evening, 6-9pm. He has a hard time during these hours some days. Usually, I can get him in bed peacefully by 8:30 or 9pm, but not always. I am tired from the new night trouble he is having, but I seem to be getting used to this level of lack of sleep somewhat. This precious boy sure deserves every bit of it! How can I complain with eyes like these staring at me?

I weighed Drew this week on our scale and measured him for his baby book. According to my scale and attempt at measuring, he is 12 lbs even now and 23 inches long. This is the outfit that he came home from the hospital in. Just 5 weeks ago I had to roll up the pant's waist, and it was loose on him. Now he fills it all out just the way it is supposed to be.

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