Thursday, October 13, 2011

Naptime Woes

Isaac has been only napping about twice a week since Drew was born. Sigh. He's always been such a good napper that I was hoping he would be like Hannah and let me decide when he didn't need naps anymore. He is still laying in his bed with minimal stuffed animals to entertain him. I have been fighting for the naps to continue especially since he is a little cranky in the evenings without a nap, however, I think I am beginning to accept the loss. I am still going to have him lay down with nothing to distract him for a while, but then we will move on to rest time that involves staying in bed with books only if this isn't just a passing phase.

It is possible that what started this was when I made a new rule. Right after Drew was born, I awoke one night when I was already halfway down the hall to Isaac's room. He had burst out of his room hysterically screaming that he needed to go to the bathroom. I got him to the potty as fast as I could and saw the tears that had been running down his face. He had been crying for me for a while before he finally decided that he was going to explode and ran out of his room. I was so exhausted that I hadn't heard him, and he was trying to so hard to follow the rules and not get out of bed without an adult. My heart just broke for him and the next day I made a new rule where he could get out of bed for potty purposes only. This did, unfortunately, cause him to get out of bed for other things occasionally. He slips out for a book or something every once in a while. This leads me to the funny conversation we had the other day when I came to get him from his nap that he had not actually slept for. I sat on his bed, and he apologized immediately for not sleeping. I asked him if he had laid still and tried to sleep, and he said that he had tried to sleep, but his changing table (which is not actually a changing table anymore since he is long potty trained) had told him to play. So he had been up briefly to get a train and bring it to his bed and to put it back. I laughed at this because, well, it is pretty funny and if you saw him tell this story you would understand, and he said, "Mom, are you not mad? You're happy? You are laughing." So confused, but so cute!

1 comment:

Becca said...

Ooh those changing tables sure know how to tempt! :) I love what they come up with.

Caleb skipped A LOT of naps when Isaiah was born but over the past few months he's sleeping again for at least half of his naps (still usually takes a long time to sleep, but will eventually). He also started getting out of his bed for the first time ever. That stopped too. I think maybe that had something to do with the fact that I woke up one morning to his face staring at me from a foot away. I screamed... loud... before realizing who it was. Scared him to death. Oops. Fixed the problem though :)

Maybe this is a transitional stage for Isaac too and he'll soon go back to his norm. We can hope!