Saturday, October 15, 2011

One Month Old

He was actually one month yesterday, on the 13th, but I just realized it today. I took some pictures this afternoon. I don't know how much he weighs right now, but he is definitely chunking up.

Group shot, Drew would not look at the camera! Don't know what's wrong with him! Just kidding!

As a one month old, things are still pretty dynamic, and whatever I was to say about him today could definitely change by next week or even tomorrow. All the more reason to document something I suppose.

Nursing: He is nursing on just one side per feeding, but still having the occasional big spit up. The big spit ups happen now only after he has slept well at night, and I think this is due to an abundance of milk at that time.

Sleeping: He is doing great with sleeping for his age. I have been doing Babywise and putting him down for naps and such awake, but drowsy. He usually only fusses or cries for 5-10 minutes. The exception to this is between 6pm and 8 or 9pm when he will cry longer so I have decided to just rock him to sleep during that time if he seems really tired or just hang out with him otherwise. This is just his tough time of the day. I moved him to his room this week and he has been sleeping so much better. He even slept through the whole night (11pm dream feed-6:30am wake up time) last night for the first time. I am sure that won't be permanent yet, but it was a nice respite for me. I have no complaints on this front.

Bedtime routine and swaddling: I put his bed time routine in place two weeks ago. I read him poems, pray with him, and sing him a song or two. When he is drowsy, I put him in the Woombie for naps and the Miracle Blanket for nighttime. The only exception is if he falls asleep before I can get him to his room then I either leave him where he is or put him on his tummy in his crib.

Waketime: He is still hard to keep awake for very long. He makes it an hour and 15 minutes first thing in the morning, but usually it is 30-45 minutes and he is starting to get drowsy. His biggest flaw, if this bundle of cuteness can even have a flaw, is that when he is awake he is pretty fussy except for two waketimes a day when he seems to be happy to lay somewhere and not need attention. Usually holding him or sitting next to him will keep him happy, but occasionally that is not quite enough and he needs more than that to stay calm.

Diapers: He poops and pees all the time! He has fewer blowouts than my other kids so far, but I think it is because he poops little bits all day instead of saving it up.

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