Saturday, October 15, 2011

It happened again!

Genna came around the corner laughing and saying, "Mom, it happened again!" She had slipped in the mud. Don't know why this girl always slips in the mud, but it cracks me up. Last time it was all over her pretty dress, so this was a much easier clean up for me. I sprayed her down with a hose.

I have to admit, I am being a bit naughty here because she did not want me to take this picture. She agreed to let me reluctantly and said, "But Mom, don't put this on your blog!" So don't tell her! I'll honor that request one day when it is about stuff that actually matters, but this is just too cute for me not to share it. I love this free spirit who slips in the mud repeatedly and dances on the soccer field, kicking nothing but air half the time. She is perfect just the way she is!

Speaking of perfect, last weekend we were in the company of many nuns, priests and seminarians, and Genna just had to ask a nun a very important question. She did not believe her mom and dad, and she needed a nun's opinion on the subject. What was her question? "Are nuns perfect?" She wants to be a nun when she grows up and is very worried that she makes too many mistakes to be a nun one day, you see. Sister Yen told her that she doesn't have to be perfect, she just has to be on the way to being perfect. That is all we can be here on earth is on our way.

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