Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Sailor

Drew is a smiley guy! Isaac was a serious baby. Genna was a shy baby. Hannah was a smiley friendly baby. So this is something we haven't had in years. Drew smiles at everyone. Today he smiled at two complete strangers just because they talked to him.

He is on his way out of most of his 0-3 month clothes so I sneaked off with him to do this photo shoot while he still fit in this outfit that matches his room. (As you can see in the picture, he has another one waiting in the wings that will match his room too.)

If his face was tilted up a bit, this would be his Obama pose.

Then the three little monsters found us! You can't keep them away from Drew for long.

Isaac has switched over from introducing his baby brother as Speck to Drew Bug now which is equally confusing to people.

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