Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Drew's 2 Month Appointment

Today Drew is 10 weeks old, and yesterday he had his 2 month well check up. All is well with Drew! He is neck and neck with the 2 month old Isaac as far as his growth goes. This is great news for hand-me-down clothes since they were born in the same season.

weight= 15.2 lbs
height= 24.5 inches
head circumference= 16 inches

As far as his 10 week old update, there isn't too much new to speak of. He's loving his siblings even more this week, gracing them with his handsome smiles and a giggle for Genevieve. This warms my heart that his first giggle for one of his siblings was for her. She had the hardest time getting even smiles from Isaac as an infant. I have been praying for Drew and Genna to have a special bond like Hannah and Isaac do.

Drew did have a growth spurt last Thursday/Friday and was up more at night and very cranky due to the shortened naps. He is and always has been a cranky baby without his sleep. When he is well rested and on his schedule, he is an angel! The nurse asked me today if he is always like this, meaning happy and easy going. He was just hanging out while she took his vitals and weighed and measured him. He smiled at her and the doctor. The only time he got upset was when the mean "shot lady" gave him his vaccinations. He cried for a few minutes on and off and then fell asleep out of exhaustion from being kept awake past his hour and fifteen minutes of waketime. He slept for two full hours then to make up for lost time.

I am so thankful for Drew, his health, his temperament, and his apparent love for schedules. He is such a blessing to this family!

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