Monday, December 31, 2012

Face Painting

Hannah painted Genna's face, and Genna painted Isaac's face.  Genna is a butterfly.  Isaac is Batman.

The girls girls got face painting sets for Christmas per their request.  Can you guess what we've been doing with all our free time this holiday?

Although Hannah let Genna paint a little heart on her face one day, she really wanted me to paint her face.  This is the picture she chose from our online search, but I only agreed to one dolphin.  The dolphin kept getting fatter until he looked a little more like a whale than a dolphin, but Hannah was happy with it.  Paper is so much easier to draw on than stretchy skin.

Then Genna wanted me to painted her face too.  She picked out this cute shooting star.  It was much easier.  I changed the colors to rainbow colors for my rainbow girl and added a ton of sparkles too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW What artists!!!!!