Sunday, November 4, 2007

My latest project

Here is Genna standing in front of our photo family tree and blocking a good portion of the family while looking cute as can be. It is not totally finished yet because I am working on collecting some more head shots of people. It is by no means a technical family tree. It's purpose is solely to familiarize the girls with their basic extended family since we live so far away from everyone. I was very close to my extended family growing up, and am desperately trying to give that to my children despite the distance that my husband's job requires. So, the very basic format that I used was to both color code and line up generations to make it clear who the cousins were compared to the aunts and uncles, and so on. I, with great regret, decided to leave out anyone who had passed away since I think it would only confuse the girls at their present age. And because of space constraints I had to put the aunt's and uncle's spouses below them instead of beside. Anyways, I am almost finished and the girls seem to like it, especially Genna who only recognizes our immediate family and Poppa Boat (my dad). She keeps going over and pointing and telling me those few people over and over again. We've got to work on the rest of the faces now. Hannah knows pretty much everyone, but Genna has a ways to go.

1 comment:

Leah said...

The family tree looks really good so far!! :) And, Genna is getting so big!!