Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I can't believe they've never done this before!

Played in the sprinklers! Hannah was just 7 months old when we moved to upstate New York and then to Germany after that. In those places, the hose water is freezing year round! I had to add boiling water to their baby pools so they didn't freeze in the heat of the summer. All this is to say that we never could just play in the sprinklers. Today they had their chance!

We went to the track so I could run. (Yes, I am trying to get back into my exercise and diet routine since I no longer have an excuse to get fat.) It was super hot and the kids found a puddle and Isaac was soaked when we got in the car to head to the house. When we got back to my parent's house, my dad was watering and so I encouraged them to cool off in the sprinklers. Hannah didn't last but a minute and decided she didn't want to get her close wet. You know she doesn't like the way it feels, even for a little while. Genna and Isaac had a blast though!

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