Friday, July 23, 2010

Three Lap Desks...check!

I am in the midst of lesson plans and still working on Isaac's stocking, of course, but I took an evening off to make these and actually check something off my list!

It took me an hour and a half, start to finish, which surprised even me. They were fast and simple. If you want the tutorial go to Balancing Everything. The main thing that I did differently is using a rounded edged dry erase board instead of the hardboard panel for obvious reasons. And I made them smaller so that they could be used in the car. This way all three kiddos can sit in a row in our 8-seater Sienna in their respective boosters and car seats using their lap desks and no one is touching each other. You know how that goes on long trips.

I let the girls choose between the two fabrics, encouraging them to pick different ones, but I had enough fabric of each in case they didn't. Hannah picked the owls which were my favorite and Genna picked the girly fabric which I fully expected. Isaac gets construction trucks because they were on sale and, bonus, he loves construction trucks!

I have enough bean bag filler left over that now I am just itching to make a bean bag! It will have to wait though. Way too much is on the imporant to do list right now!


jessica said...

Love the rounded-edge tops you chose, where did you find them?

Kelle said...

Jo-Ann's. They are lap marker boards.