Thursday, July 15, 2010

Stranger or friend?

Genevieve started out as a severely shy baby and toddler and has turned into my most social and friendly child, and if you know my children that is really saying something. How did that happen? I don't even know. She was so shy that if people talked to her she would usually burst into tears and cling to me like they had just asked to eat her for dinner. She wouldn't even let me put her down at play groups or let me leave the room when people were visiting at our own house. Things started to change around 18 months old. Now we will be walking in a public place and as we are walking she starts talking to passers-by. I mean the people are still walking away from us and we are walking away from them and she is chattering away about her doll or our dog or whatever is on her mind at the time. The people will turn and crane their necks as long as they can while still walking, partially to be polite and partially, let's be honest, because she is just so darn cute prattling on with those curls and huge blue eyes.

At the airport (when flying from DC to Texas), she was conversing with a young lady behind us in line as we waited to check our bags. She had told her all about our dog, how cranky he is and that he will bite you if you step on him when you're not looking. She told her all about her rolly backpack and how it is the same as Hannah's but she got it later than Hannah and about all the things inside it, in particular her Nani that is an elephant head with a blanket attached. She told her about where we were moving from and to and how our new house is empty because our stuff in on a boat in the ocean moving sooooo slow. I swear I have no secrets with her blabbing about everything to everyone. Anyway, we end up seeing the lady again when we get to the gate and she hands the girls a little picture she drew for each of them. After she walks away to sit down, Genna turns to me and asks enthusiastically, "Mom, can we sit next to her on the airplane? She's my friend!" I asked Genna, "Now is she your friend or is she a stranger?" When she answers wrong, I correct her. Before I can explain why she is a stranger, Genna says, "But Mom she didn't even give us poison candy. She just gave us these pretty pictures. And," she turns to Hannah, "we told her our names. Didn't we, Hannah?" Ha! I guess stranger danger isn't quite clicking her little mind.

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