Saturday, November 8, 2008

First Bottle in Our Family Ever!

Isaac weighs exactly half of what Hannah weighs right now!

None of my children have ever had a single bottle until yesterday. I am having a little procedure done for my varicose veins next week and am going to have to pump until the drug is out of my system. So we did a trial run yesterday. It went all right, but he didn't take much. That said I have no idea how much he gets in a given feeding normally anyway. I had some appointments and would have typically just brought him along, but I left him home to try out the bottle. I have to say I have been dreading this whole pumping thing. I am not sure if it is the unknown, all the trouble it is, or fear of him rejecting it.

Here are the pictures Brian took...

1 comment:

Rich said...

That last photo is precious. Those eyes and that grin are just too cute.