Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Isaac was a fist sucker from Day 1 in the hospital! Look at those chubby arms!

Sometimes he gets all five fingers in there!

The kids got a special treat after baths last night! They watched Alice and Wonderland in our bed. We have a VCR in our room but we rarely use it. I got this video at the library. It's the Hallmark version with real people instead of cartoons. I loved it when I was little. Isaac watched for only few minutes since it was his bed time. I let the girls stay up a little later since Daddy was out, but they still didn't get to finish it. Save the rest for another night I guess.

By the way, it's still snowing! Here's a pretty view of our village!

I am going to see a movie tonight with a friend! Can't wait!

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