Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Crawl

Here is Isaac's funny crawl! The girls just went straight to crawling on hands and knees, but this guy has found another way to crawl and get where he needs to go.

Isaac has a natural fascination with wheels and will crawl to the stroller and move the wheels around (or try to eat them-Eew!) He is also babbling "Ma ma ma" and "Da da da" as well as other new babbles. He wasn't babbling just a couple of weeks ago at all really, he was just making single sounds. He seems to be going through a little bit of the clingy to mom thing right now, but I think it will pass since he isn't usually like that. Hannah went through the same thing briefly. Genna was a different story, super clingy from 3 months to about 2 years old. Here's a video of Isaac and his ticklish self chuckling.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Looks like he's swimming... next Michael Phelps? without the compromising pictures :)