Friday, October 22, 2010

How does your garden grow?

For G week's field trip, we went back to the orchard and picked some pumpkins in light of all the gardening and growing books we read this week combined with the season. I got some amazing pictures of the kids there, so check out the side bar for a few of the best of the individual ones.

Hannah pretended to eat some corn we found out in the field.

I guess I should have prepared them for how many pumpkins we were going to pick so they weren't so disappointed when we only got three. Isaac was fine, but Hannah was upset and Genna was, well you can see, completely distraught when she could bring six pumpkins home that she found.

Here I am cutting out the pouty upset children!

Once we drove back to the front to pay, everyone cheered back up and we got some good pictures.

Playing on the pumpkins...

My favorites...

I love autumn!

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