Friday, October 15, 2010

"I'm Isaac Thomas Smif, and a boy, and a wittle broder!"

That's how Isaac introduces himself to everybody these days. Of course, he says it so fast I have to translate usually. Allow me a moment of motherly pride here. I think he should add "and a genius" to the end of his introduction. This boy is learning so fast! He knows almost all of his letters, capital and lowercase, now by recognition and most of his sounds too. Hannah knew all the capital letters by about 2 years and 3 months by doing flashcards while I did her hair in the morning and watching her Learning With Letters DVD a few times a week. Isaac is learning by just being surrounded by the letters mostly. He does watch the same video and then Letter Factory maybe twice a week. We get alphabet books from the library. His favorite so far is The Sleepy Little Alphabet: A Bedtime Story from Alphabet Town by Judy Sierra. We are doing the alphabet path and going through a letter a week as you all know by now or you haven't been reading my blog. Genna didn't recognize all her letters until she was close to four years old. She really had no interest in any sneaky way I tried to teach her the alphabet. That said, she is learning to read super easily right now. She is breezing right through the Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons book.

I digress. So, I think I mentioned before that he knows all his months of the year and days of the week. He memorizes very quickly and is keeping up with his sisters very well. I am just so proud of him! He is learning to dress himself, and his newest feat is...

Drinking out of a big boy cup!

Unfortunately, he discovered blowing bubbles in his milk very quickly.


Jennifer said...


Becca said...

Way to go Isaac! I'd be bragging too! :) Caleb and Isaac are so different in so many ways. I've been thrilled in the past month or so that he will finally SAY his first name with other people. He always just buried his head in my chest/legs before. Now he will finally say his first name loud enough to be heard. I'm thrilled with that right now! I think his whole name is a LONG LONG LONG time coming for my shy guy.