Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

We just read this book from the library, and so I thought I would surprise the kids with this pumpkin. (I stole the idea from here, but I drew and carved it freehand.) They helped me clean it out and separate the seeds, but I did the carving after they were snug in their beds while visions of pumpkins danced in their heads. We made progress from the last time we carved a pumpkin, everyone stuck their arms all the way in the pumpkin to pull out goo, but only a couple of times each. Hannah was a huge help separating seeds for roasting. (The seeds are drying as seen in the last picture for tomorrow's roasting.) The little ones got bored and started playing trains while Hannah and I finished the job. It was so fun standing in the kitchen with my oldest daughter sorting seeds. Having daughters is great at these moments. One day we will be making Thanksgiving dinner together.

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