Monday, October 18, 2010

Sandbox Rules

Saturday we went to the Virginia Cup. It was a little early for our H week, but who's counting. It was so much fun! I enjoyed seeing the horses and picking which one I thought would win. My technique was to pick the one with the name I liked best. Really technical stuff here. Good thing I am not betting money, right? Sandbox Rules was the only one out of the seven races that I got right. Some of my other favorite names were G'day G'day (sounds cooler when the announcer is saying it super fast), Tiefordancen, and He's a Conniver. I thought it would be fun to make up horse names for the kids. I thought of this as we were walking to the car and Hannah was all frowns because she wanted to stay and play with her friend. So Hannah's was Turnthatfrownupsidedown. Genna could be Antsinherpants since she is so wiggly and bouncy. Isaac was exhausted from being out all day without his nap and was very clingy to me. So I thought Stucktomyhip sounded good for him. Speaking of...

Here are the rest of the pictures. I think we may do this again someday.


Jeff said...

Is that a Brian Reedy I spy in the last picture? If so, tell him hi for me. :)

Kelle said...

Yes, it is! Will do, at Thanksgiving!

Abigail Boatwright said...

wow! was that a steeplechase? I've never seen one in real life... so cool!