Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One Fish, Two Fish...

Red fish, Blue Fish

The girls got to get their long awaited Beta fish today since it is F week! Here are the happy girls and their fish.

Hannah and "Raspberry"

Genevieve and "Rainbow Dash"

Fun! A trip to the National Aquarium is on the agenda for this week to see some more fish.

***edited*** I forgot to mention how funny it was to see the girls carrying their respective fish into the house to show daddy. Hannah is walked so so so slowly, so as not to slosh the fish around, and then here comes Genna bouncing and spilling half of the water out. So funny to see their differences. Oh and, we will be moving the fish into their own mini tanks tomorrow.


Jeff said...

Wait... those fish are in tiny cups?! How inhumane! Didn't you learn anything from Germany ;)

Kelle said...

We are moving them to new and bigger bowls, Jeff! Ha ha! We are properly acclimating them to their new homes.