Thursday, October 21, 2010

Total Sweetness (I caught them red-handed!)

Genevieve and Isaac were watching their favorite show, Dinosaur Train, just before bed. Genna never passes up a chance to cuddle with her baby brother. Hannah prefers to sit in the recliner...ALONE.

Genna playing "teacher" with her stuffed animals during her afternoon rest time. Her pupils are a colorful bunch. She's a pretty messy teacher too.


Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh, his sweet pajamas! I can't wait for those! They are so adorable together!

Anonymous said...

That is so adorable Genna and Isaac chilling on the couch. Ivy just watched dinosaur train today. Aiden is the one who usually likes to cuddle and pay attention to his little sister, Ezra is the Loner sitting by himself :)