Sunday, February 27, 2011

Speck is growing

but not as fast as my tummy. At only 13 weeks along, I got my first "Hey, you're pregnant!" this week. People don't make that bold of a statement unless you really look pregnant. It's kind of a risk otherwise. I added a Lilypie ticker to the top of the blog that shows how big the baby is as compared to various fruit. Right now, Speck is supposed to be the size of a plum despite the fact that I was told just this week that I look like I have a small basketball in there.

I am still nauseated and tired, even though with all the other pregnancies I was done with that by now. I am hoping it will end soon, so I can get my second trimester to do list accomplished. I was hoping to do nine months worth of stuff in those precious three months that bring a burst of energy with them. I can't afford for these months to be taken away.

Hannah has converted Genevieve for the time being to the "I want Speck to be a girl" party. She is so easily swayed. Isaac is still firm about Speck being a boy so he can "hug him."

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