Friday, June 3, 2011

The Greatest Place on Earth!


Sonic is definitely right up there next to good Mexican food on my list of things I miss about Texas. I caved and gave the kids their first ever Sonic drinks the other night after dinner out with family. It wasn't good timing or anything since it was right before bed, but I was just so proud of them and had to do something special for them. They were so very well-behaved at the restaurant and just about this whole trip.

To preface what drink I got them, I have to explain that in our house, the kids only drink water and milk with the exception of special occasions. They never get caffeine or sodas, and I plan to keep it that way until they are 12 or 13 at least. I am trying to develop good drinking habits that I never have had. So, I picked out strawberry lemonades for them. Lemonade, although not really a juice, is less soda-like than the limeades which have Sprite in them. They loved them! It is always so fun to be with them when they experience something new. I love my precious gifts from God!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

We went to Sonic today too! What a great photo!