Saturday, June 18, 2011

Oh, The Places We Could Go

I am compiling a list of places and things I would like to try to fit into our summer. Besides being a list-making addict, I am feeling that 3rd trimester laziness now and think if I don't have a list of goals that I might just end up wasting away our summer. I do not plan on doing all of these. The goals I set for myself are always way too high. Plus, some of them (marked with a ?) I need to look into further or get personal reviews to see if the kids would actually enjoy them.

Swim lessons for Isaac
Art Day Camp for Hannah and Genna (already signed up for this one)
Splash Park
Newseum ? (free admission for kids this summer)
National Gallery of Art
Butler's Orchard- picking blueberries or tart cherries
Science Museum in Baltimore
Fishing with dad
Nature Centers

Here's a few of our summer goals:

Maintain the vegetable garden

Teach the girls my cell phone number

Teach Genna to spell and write her full name instead of just GENNA

Training wheels off for Hannah (and maybe Genna too)

Make a school schedule

Reorganize school room

Mostly finish Speck's stocking (I am doing well on this so far!)

Embroider several sailboat pillows for Speck's room

Sew a pillow mobile for Speck's room

Make Speck a blanket (I have made blankets for each child when I was pregnant with them.)

Come up with a real name for Speck, so he is not called Speck after he is born!!!

Summer reading goals:


reread Natural Childbirth: The Bradley Way and Husband Coached Childbirth

read two classics

refresh myself with Babywise

read one more book on homeschooling (just finished A Thomas Jefferson Education)


1 saint book

5 chapter books/month

6 picture books/month


1 saint book

1 chapter book/month

10 picture books/month

1 comment:

J M Yaceczko said...

Hi, want to meet up for Butler's Orchard sometime?

Also, have you been to the crazy amazingly wonderful water fountain park place in either Gaithersburg...or maybe it's Germantown. Anyhow, let's meet up and have fun.