Thursday, June 30, 2011

Allright already! I get it!

If one more person asks me when I am due and their jaw drops when I say September 2nd, I cannot be held accountable for what I do! No, I am kidding, but really I hope I have never done that sort of thing to a pregnant woman. Just the other day at the grocery store in the check out line. The lady behind me, after watching me try to reach the little divider thingamajig with my giant belly in the way, asks me if I am nine months pregnant. "No," I had to reply with a laugh, "I am only 7 1/2 months." Since the kids were not with me, I quickly added, "This is my fourth," more to make myself feel better than anything. It seems I can't even leave the house without an inquiry as to when I am due followed by the shocked facial expression. Some days it is more than once. Maybe I need a t-shirt that says, "I am not due until September 2nd. Please, try to hide your shock."

No, really and truly, it doesn't make me mad or anything, just embarrassed to answer. If I was a good liar I would be tempted to just say "Yes" to those kinds of questions or tell them I am due in July which seems much more plausible from the looks of me. Brian thinks I should tease them by saying, "What do you mean due? I'm not pregnant." I don't think I have it in me for that either.

Speaking of being huge, I had an OB checkup on Friday, and I, for the first time ever, measured bigger than I was supposed to (32cms instead of 30cms.) With each pregnancy, I have measured right on target the entire time and always had doctors guessing a full two pounds less than what the baby ended up weighing when they were born. So, despite the fact that my midwife was "not concerned," I am! I do not want Speck to outdo Isaac from day one and weigh in at over 10lbs 4ozs! In fact, I don't even want him getting close to beating that. So, I continue to pray for a healthy baby boy who weighs no more than 9 lbs (and is a good sleeper!) Please God, have mercy on me!


Jennifer said...

Don't listen to them, Kelle! You look fantastic, as usual, and your baby will be the perfect size! I'll pray that that perfect size is around (a sleepy) 8 lbs or so! :)

Sarah said...

I agree with Jennifer. People are so inappropriate sometimes. Of course I had twins, but at 6 months, this guy at a restaurant kept asking me if I was about to go into labor. It was funny the first time and then it just got annoying.

Kristen said...

Right there with you...I now refer to the last 2 months as the "wow" phase because that is what everyone, and I mean everyone, says when I tell them how far along I am at the end. I thought it was just because we have so many college students here...but I guess it is universal. ;)