Sunday, September 14, 2014

Texas, where splash pads are free like they ought to be!

Around these parts (in Maryland) they make everything cost money.  Like splash pads, they should be free, right?  Water shooting out of the ground should be free.  So that was on our checklist of things to do while in Texas because it was free.  Well, truth be told it ended up not being totally free since my mom stayed with the big kids while Judah (after he had had his fill of water shooting him in the face) and I wandered over to a surrounding store and spent some moolah.  I had a gift card, but I may have gone over the gift card just a little bit. But that's beside the point!  Free water shooting out of the ground = happy kids and happy mom!

Can you find four of my kids?

He's a stinker!  He enjoyed getting his butt sprayed.

Nothing better than pure baby joy!

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