Friday, September 12, 2014

We've been gone a long time, right?

That's how Hannah would say it, emphasis on the "right?"  

We're back from vacation part one which  included grandparents, cousins, Sea World, the Alamo, the Rain Forrest Cafe, a giant birthday party, and a couple of crazy long flights, and we're headed out again soon for part two which involves nine kids, four adults and a lot of sand.  Hopefully, I can get everything scheduled to post from trip part one before we leave again and we are relaxing away on trip part two because a lot happened and I don't want to forget anything.  (I use the term "relaxing" very loosely, of course.)

Right now we are in GRANDPARENT DETOX (insert echo here) while we try to reinstate things that have been long forgotten, like chores and bedtimes, and we go through withdraw from dessert and special drinks.  I'm included in the last one (QT and Sonic, I'll miss you and your flavored drinks!), whereas, I meant "the kids" when I said "we" on all the rest.

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