Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Jesus is still talking to Hannah

Well, I can actually hear Jesus now when he talks to Hannah. He sounds an awful lot like Hannah whispering! :)

During prayer time tonight she thanked God for her chocolate chip cookie and being able to help me put groceries away. Apparently, that was the highlight of her day today, not her first German mom and toddler class. It didn't go very smoothly. It was mostly my fault because I thought it started at 10:30, and it really started at 10:00. So we missed the first 30 minutes, and Hannah got thrown into the middle of it all. So we started out on a bad foot. On top of that, 75 percent of the class has taken the class before at least once. (Hannah does not like to not know things that other people know.) She got shy and clingy on me on and off which is so strange. She usually doesn't even know I am there in these sort of situations. The girls had a few momentary role reversals. Genna even took Hannah's turn a couple of times during some of the games. Hannah didn't want to go because she got her feelings hurt when she didn't get a match in the memory game and several people called out that it was wrong. Perfectionist behavior, I suppose! She doesn't do that when we play at home, so maybe it was just an embarrassment thing. Anyway, I hope Thursday will go better! She did seem to pick up a few things in German though. I even heard her saying, "Ich heisse Hannah" to herself while she was coloring (that means my name is Hannah).

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