Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Beauty comes from within.

Genna picks up a bubble blowing fan and gets her hair twisted in the fan this morining. She is laughing at first because it is hanging from her hair. Then, to impart the gravity of the situation since I did not think it was funny at all, I say, "I hope we don't have to cut your hair like a boy to get this untangled." Well, this was an exaggeration that I should have kept to myself in retrospect. She starts crying while I am trying to get her hair untangled. I ask her why she's crying to see if I am hurting her or she is upset for another reason. Between sobs, she manages to get out, "Nobody will...think that...I am pretty!"

She's 3 years old! Why does she care about being pretty? I must have failed in teaching them about inner beauty, that it doesn't matter what others think, and that God made each of us with a special and unique beauty!!!

Of course, I stopped in my fight with the tangled hair and bubble fan that very instant to explain that even if she was as bald as Isaac, she would be beautiful inside and out! I just had to wonder though, Is it a losing battle? Not the hair versus the bubble fan, but the girl versus this world's view of beauty.

1 comment:

Almudena said...

i don't think so kelle! there is hope!! even i have come a looong way from the girl i was in college. and that is just miraculous!! God can change our hearts!