Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pine Cone Walks and Trane Watching

Isaac loves to go outside! He is always asking, but it has been horrible weather this last week. Either insanely hot (at least for us...we're not acclimated to this Texas heat and humidity anymore) or pouring down rain. Plus the mosquitoes have been very rough, especially on Genna. She seems to be a little sensitive to them and the bites swell up bigger than a half dollar. But today, I decided I would take him out to walk around the cul-de-sac for as long as we could stand it. He made it all the way down to the circle, around it, and back without me having to carry him at all. He has been walking everywhere for awhile now, but tends to want to go his own way and not follow me. He did much better today though. And the best part is he walks so fast! The girls have always been so slow, especially Genna, who marches to the beat of her own personal drummer. He was keeping up great! We did have to stop many many times to inspect something on the ground. He carried his 2 favorite pine cones almost the whole walk until he insisted on tasting them twice and lost that privilege. He would toddle along, then stop, and jibber jabber at something he found on the ground. He was so very tempted to stomp in the puddles, but he refrained. We ended our sweltering walk with your everyday Trane watching. No I did not spell Trane wrong. I mean the air conditioning unit sitting on the side of the house, of course. "Why did we watch it?" you ask. It makes rumbling sounds! Isn't that enough of a reason to be fascinated with it?
Speaking of rumbling sounds, Isaac also is in love with the fancy coffee machine that Gigi and Poppy have. Whenever it starts to grind up the beans, he drops what he is doing and runs over to watch it.

He is signing so much now, and it is great! I think the signs are going to come in even more handy with him since he seems to be slower on the talking than the girls. This is a great age!

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