Friday, October 23, 2009

Compound me!

I think I have mentioned before that my girls were very early talkers. By 18 months they were both using three word sentences all the time. By the time they were Isaac's age they had too many vocabulary words to count. Isaac is not quite so talkative and is much more into learning sounds and signs than actual words. So I am rolling with it. At his 2 day check up, the girls were chattering away to the doctor and he turned to me and said, "Do not be alarmed when he doesn't talk as well as them!" I noticed he said "when" and not "if" so I sort of expected this. He does talk and says a good amount of words, so no worries. He is just going to do things at his own pace.

All this is to explain my excitement when he busted out with his first compound word today! I don't think I even noticed the girl's first compound word because after a year their vocabulary increased exponentially with every passing month. But when Isaac repeated the word "highchair" today after I told him to come over and get in his highchair, I swooped him up, threw him in the air and made a huge fuss about it. So now he gets a huge proud smile before he says it. So cute!

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