Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Sibling Talk: Baby destroys all fun for older siblings!

This boy strikes terror in the heart of a certain four year old and a certain 3 year old. He is into all their business...their games, towers, pictures, dolls, whatever. I know this stage will not last forever, but it is difficult to keep him out of their stuff, but not exclude him from all the fun. If they are always playing up at the table or in their room, then he gets totally left out. Poor thing gets told "No" by his sisters a million times a day no matter how many times I remind them to try to use other words to get him not to destroy their stuff. So now he is saying it too. All the time. Fortunately, so far, not to me! This is a blessing that will not last forever, but I'll enjoy it while it lasts. He walks around saying "No" in the cutest way ever. Seriously, I have never so enjoyed any child saying "No" before, but he says it so cute. I am going to have to hide my amusement from him though. Don't want to create a monster!

This is his shy pose...

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