Friday, October 16, 2009

My Free Spirit

Genevieve is my free spirit! She is all over the place and it is funny sometimes and frustrating other times. Today it was mostly funny...

I tried to teach her to play Tic-tac-toe with Hannah. When she was O's, she randomly decides in the middle of a game, "I want to be Triangles!" Then when she was X's, she proclaims, once again in the middle of the game, "I want to be T's!"

We didn't have our bathing suits, but, boy, this day was just so hot that we had to dip our legs in the pool. The girls ended up just playing on the steps in their panties so their dresses would stay dry. Genna says with giggles coming out her ears, "My panties are dripping wet down my leg! This is so cool!"

At lunchtime, her Auntie was perusing the sale ads in the paper and Genna walked up and said, "Are you looking for someone to marry in there?" Umm. Not sure where that came from, but you can tell what Genna thinks her vocation is going to be. I don't always understand her, but she sure does crack me up!

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