Monday, October 12, 2009

What's good for one gosling is DEFINITELY not good for the other gosling!

I learned this the hard way! I let both my girls have a sleep over at their cousin's house last night since they rarely get to see her! I really don't know exactly what I was thinking. Maybe that I would get a break? You do crazy things when your husband has been gone for 10 months. Maybe that they would get to spend extra time with their aunt, uncle, and cousins that they see once or twice a year? Maybe that since Hannah had her first sleepover at 3 1/2 years old (a special occassion as well) and was just a little more difficult the next day that Genna would also be able to handle it? WRONG!

Oh boy, was I wrong! Wrong, wrong wrong, wrong, wrong! She made it through and all. I did not have to get out late at night and drive over to get her or anything like that, but she was so sleep deprived today that she was uncontrollable. I won't even go into all the trouble I had getting her to take a nap and to go to bed the tonight. Whoa, am I a dumb person! Never again! She is going to be on as strict a schedule as Isaac until I see an improvement in her self control when she is tired! Lessons learned the hard way, I guess...

Here are some dress up pictures of them.

Genna was Spiderman here.

Then they switched out the Spiderman costume.

Lucille Ball :)

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