Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Shape of Things

Isaac knows all his shapes now. He has been pointing them out to me in real life, like the circle in his highchair tray designated for his cup or the rectangular bricks on the sidewalk. He knows star, heart, oval, circle, square, rectangle, moon, and triangle. Here he is showing off...

He does not know his colors yet, except for blue. He always points out blue things to me, but if I ask him what color something that is not blue is, he still answers blue. Genna did the same thing with pink. He did show me an "O" yesterday which I didn't even realize he knew.

Here's another video of him counting too.

This is such a fun age!

1 comment:

Becca said...

Kelle this is adorable!!! I LOVE the "right here!" and the sweet kiss at the end. He's a cutie... and a SMART cutie!! Caleb definitely does NOT have numbers down. Some days I can get him to count to four, other days he just wants to say "six, six, six, six" (apparently it's his favorite).
It's funny Caleb's the exact opposite of Isaac... shapes and numbers are his weaker points while letters and colors he's pretty consistent with. Maybe he takes after mommy's math skills instead of dad's :(