Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

(In honor of the father of my children, I let the kids help me pick out their favorite pictures of Daddy with each of them. They all picked baby pictures, so I will label who is in each picture.)

Brian has been an excellent daddy to our children. I think he gets better every year. He is fun and loves to play with them. He is strict and yet has their total admiration and respect. I jokingly tease him that I get tired of all the Super Hero references and the "Daddy can do anything" comments fromt he kids, but really I am glad to have such a great helpmeet in this incredibly weighty reponsibility of raising these children to be holy and loving adults.

Daddy and Hannah

(Yes, I have the right kid. She really had that dark of hair when she was born!)

Hannah is very much a "Daddy's Girl" and thinks he hung the moon. I would say that she has him wrapped around her finger, but I really think it goes both ways. She will do anything to please her daddy.

Daddy and Hannah

Daddy and Genevieve

It was a long road for Brian to win Genna's heart. She was always much more of a "Mommy's Girl" and was for a while afraid of just about everyone else (except Hannah). However, he managed to win her over and when he was gone for a year, I assumed she would be the one I didn't have to worry about, but boy was I wrong! She had the hardest time with his absense and, since he has been back I think they have gotten even closer. I mentioned on our anniversary post recently that I think I have softened Brian up a little, but I think this little girl, with her heart of gold and her saintly character, has done more than her fair share of that.

Daddy and Genevieve (and Hannah too)

Daddy and Isaac

Despite the fact that Brian was gone for most of his first year, they have always had a special man bond or something. Although Isaac is a "Momma's Boy" to some extent, he needs his daddy for all the guy stuff. He likes to help his daddy on projects and go to the man store (AKA Home Depot.) Of course, Brian is also in charge of all rough housing and toughening up of this guy. Isaac loves his daddy and, I can tell he really wants his dad to be proud of him.

Daddy and Isaac

Happy Father's Day, Honey! We all love you!

And, on this Father's Day, I would be remiss not to mention my own daddy. I was quite the "Daddy's Girl" like Hannah. I lived to please my dad and make him proud, and from the way he looks at my own children I think I have. Love you, Daddy! Happy Father's Day!
My dad and me (I promise it's not Hannah!)

1 comment:

Rich said...

Tell Brian howdy from the Rychetsky family. We miss you guys!