Monday, August 13, 2012

Beyond her years

My Hannah seems so grown up sometimes.  I called home today.  Did I mention Drew and I are in Texas helping my sister with her new babe?  Anyway Hannah answered the phone.  She asked me what I was doing right away.  After I told her, she said, "Well, if you want to know what I am doing, I am helping daddy digging up rocks for the patio."  She goes on to explain how daddy was having trouble digging up some of the rocks and she told him he should dig out the rocks on two sides to get it loose instead just one.  She is such a thinker.
Before I left we had a pretty deep conversation about religions and how we know which one is right.  She asked questions that I was not expecting for a few more years.  Genna was there for the conversation too, bit she didn't ask many questions or say much.  When we were talking about heaven and martyrs, Genna pipes in with, "I want to be a martyr!"  This is when Isaac replies, "You want someone to kill you with a sword?"  This one conversation tells so much about my children's personalities.  Hannah's the thinker.  Genna's  the feeler.  Isaac is the fearful one.

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