Sunday, February 3, 2013

He's all mud and smiles!

We had a warm up in the middle of the week.  It went from the 20s and 30s to the 60s for just a couple days before it returned back to the cold temps and snowed again.  The kids played outside both days that were warm.  Drew was covered in mud since the ground was soaked from the melted snow.

Believe it or not, this is a smile.  In fact, it is his camera smile.  It looks like he is howling at the moon.

Again, camera smile, even though he looks like he is crying.
This looks a little more like a real smile.  Brian said he looked like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbs.

Trying on his sister's shoe and giving me that smile again.
Drew learned how to work the spoon.  I think he has known how for a while, but I kind of forgot to offer him one.  He asked for one the other day, by a series of pointing and grunting coupled with the sign for "please."  He is an excellent eater, probably too good.  I can barely feed all these kids with the size of pots I have.  I am going to have to go industrial when they are teenagers.

When the spoon gets too hard...
...he just dives in!
 Drew is saying "Bye bye" and trying to say his name.  He has the D sound down.  He is also saying "Out" and "Night night" without the T sound.  He is also using his signs better (i.e. without me asking him to first/of his own initiative) in the last few days and crying less.

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